đŸĒ™GamersXP Token $GMXP

Ecosystem Token / ERC-20

GamersXP Token $GMXP

  • Exchangeable on Tier 1 CEXs and DEXs

  • Spend $GMXP across platform products: dApp schemes, NFTs, Giveaway entries, Marketplace purchases, and more

  • Earn through GamerXP dApp, raffles, or tournament victories

  • Boost earnings by playing games and accessing prize-winning opportunities

  • Users will be able to swap, stake, and add to liquidity pools via GamersXP DeFi App for passive income

Transaction Fees & GMXP Utility:

  • GMXP transaction fees: 4% per transaction

  • Breakdown: 2% burned, 20% distributed to holders, 78% to research & development wallet for growth

  • GMXP Token: ERC-20 deflationary utility token, powered by Matic Network

  • Utility: Purchasing game schemes, eSports entry, minting user NFTs, giveaway tickets, P&E game purchases, and crypto-rewards and mnay more

  • Ecosystem Currency: GMXP used as the ecosystem's crypto-reward currency

Rewarding Crypto Holders:

  • 20% of fees rewarded to holders

  • Not a revenue share with GamersXP or any company

  • Independent, non-affiliated users receive the fee split

  • Reflects smart contract popularity, not company efforts

Token Burn:

  • 2% fee burned

  • Result: Continuous supply decrease, creating deflationary token model

Last updated